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Why Settling Should Never Be an Option in Life

Why settling should not be an option in life

In the grand journey of life, settling should never be the destination. While it may seem like a practical choice in certain scenarios, settling often comes at a significant cost to our personal growth, happiness, and fulfillment.

From both human and social psychology standpoints, it's crucial to understand why people tend to settle and how we can muster the courage and inner strength to choose a different path.

The Urge to Settle: Human Psychology

From a human psychology perspective, the desire to settle is deeply rooted in our innate need for comfort and security. We are creatures of habit who often resist change, even when that change might lead to better opportunities and outcomes. This resistance to change can manifest in various aspects of life:

Familiarity Principle

From a human psychology standpoint, people are naturally drawn to familiarity due to a deeply ingrained cognitive bias known as the mere-exposure effect or some refer as the familiarity principle. Familiarity provides an immediate sense of comfort and security.

The tendency of purchasing the same brand of items, ordering the same food at a restaurant, or selecting the same seats when flying are some of the examples of the mere-exposure effect.

This behavior suggests that individuals tend to develop a preference for things they encounter repeatedly or are already familiar with. Our brains are wired to seek out patterns and make sense of our environment, and familiarity offers a sense of comfort and security.

Whether it's the faces of loved ones, the music we grew up listening to, or the places we frequent, the familiarity provides a sense of predictability in an otherwise complex world.

This preference for the familiar can extend to our social interactions, decision-making processes, and even our choice of products and brands, as we often gravitate toward what we know and trust. This psychological inclination toward familiarity plays a crucial role in shaping our perceptions and behaviors, influencing various aspects of our lives.

The preference for the familiar can sometimes sabotage our success or potential. It can lead to a resistance to change, limiting personal growth and innovation. Staying within our comfort zones may prevent us from exploring new opportunities, learning from different experiences, and adapting to evolving circumstances.

To maximize our potential and success, it's essential to strike a balance between embracing the security of the familiar and being open to the benefits of novelty and change, as this allows for personal and professional growth.


Attachment, both in the context of relationships and places, significantly contributes to people's preference to settle. Human beings form deep emotional bonds with the people and locations they become attached to.

These attachments provide a sense of security, belonging, and emotional fulfillment. People often settle because their attachment to a particular place or the people within it creates a strong pull, making them hesitant to leave behind the familiar and the connections they have established.

The fear of disrupting these attachments can lead individuals to choose stability and familiarity over the uncertainties of new experiences and locations. While attachment can offer comfort and support, it can also be a double-edged sword, potentially limiting personal growth and the exploration of new opportunities outside one's comfort zone.

One relatable example of attachment to a place is when someone has spent their entire life in a small, close-knit town and feels deeply connected to the community, its traditions, and the familiarity of their surroundings. Despite potential opportunities elsewhere, they may choose to settle in that town because of their strong attachment to it.

Another common example of attachment to a person is when an individual has been in a long-term romantic relationship and has formed a deep emotional bond with their partner. Even if the relationship has been toxic or in some cases abusive, people would still choose to settle because of their attachment to their partner and the fear of losing that connection.

Stability vs. Uncertainty

People often prefer to settle because they inherently value stability and predictability in their lives. Much like a sailor seeking the calm harbor during a storm, individuals are drawn to settled lives as safe havens amid life's unpredictable waves.

The desire for stability provides a sense of security, allowing people to build routines, nurture relationships, and plan for the future with confidence.

Just as a tree with deep roots stands tall in the face of changing seasons, settling roots in a familiar place or a stable situation offers a firm foundation from which to navigate life's challenges. While the lure of adventure and novelty can be enticing, the grounding force of stability is a fundamental human need, shaping our choices and priorities in the pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling existence.

Psychological Needs

Another possible reason people choose to settle is due to the fulfillment of essential psychological needs. One such need is the sense of belonging and connection.

For example, someone might choose to stay in their hometown, as mentioned above, because it's where they have a strong network of friends and family who provide emotional support and a sense of belonging.

Additionally, the need for safety and security plays a significant role. For instance, individuals might opt for a stable job with a regular income rather than pursuing a riskier, more dynamic career path because it satisfies their need for financial security and minimizes uncertainty.

These psychological needs are vital as they contribute to an individual's overall well-being and mental health. A strong sense of belonging and security can lead to increased happiness and reduced stress, making settling a compelling choice for many people seeking to meet these fundamental human needs.

Social Influence

Social psychology sheds light on how external influences can exert a significant impact on the decisions we make, sometimes prompting us to settle for options that may not necessarily align with our true desires and aspirations.

One compelling example is the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. From choosing a conventional career path to pursuing traditional relationships, individuals often find themselves making choices that may not authentically resonate with their passions or preferences due to the influence of societal norms and peer pressure. The fear of social exclusion or judgment can lead people to prioritize fitting in over pursuing their unique goals, illustrating how external forces can steer us towards settling.

Advertising and media also play a substantial role in shaping our desires and perceptions, often leading individuals to seek material possessions or lifestyles that may not genuinely fulfill them.

The relentless promotion of consumerism and the portrayal of idealized lives in media can foster unrealistic expectations, pushing people to settle for a pursuit of material wealth or status rather than authentic happiness.

A relatable example can be seen in the way social media platforms often showcase influencers and celebrities leading glamorous lives, flaunting luxury possessions, and portraying seemingly flawless relationships. Many individuals, influenced by such imagery, may feel compelled to emulate these lifestyles, even if it means taking on significant debt or compromising their genuine passions and well-being.

They might settle for the pursuit of material wealth and status, assuming it will bring them happiness, only to realize that these external trappings do not provide the authentic fulfillment they had hoped for.

In a way, social psychology underscores the importance of self-awareness and critical thinking in resisting external pressures and making choices that genuinely align with our innermost desires and ambitions.

Cultural expectations and peer pressure also play crucial roles in social influence. Within society, cultural norms often dictate life decisions, such as marrying by a certain age or pursuing a specific career trajectory.These cultural expectations, coupled with the influence of friends and family, can compel individuals to compromise their own dreams in favor of conforming to societal standards.

The subtle yet powerful pressures exerted by these social connections can create formidable barriers to breaking free from the crowd and embarking on a unique, personally fulfilling path.

Courage to Pursue

In 2010, I made a bold decision to relocate halfway across the country in pursuit of a better quality of life for my then 10-year-old son. With no acquaintances in the new state and facing prevailing stereotypes, which labeled it as a haven for rednecks, I received zero support and numerous friendly but cautionary warnings that I might be out of my mind by ditching what appeared to be a dream job at a prestigious university.

Was it frightening to embark on a cross-country journey in a Jeep Liberty, armed with nothing more than a children-sized metal baseball bat for protection? Absolutely. Yet, my deep-seated desire to offer my son a more fulfilling childhood, one enriched with quality education and the opportunity for us to explore the world rather than struggling paycheck to paycheck, outweighed the fear.

As we approach the end of this year, my son is set to stride across the stage, earning a degree in Music Composition, accompanied by a treasure trove of unforgettable experiences acquired both in and out of the classroom.

While some might see this as reckless, for what is worth, below are some pointers I applied when I know I need NOT to settle. Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

1. Self-Reflection:

The initial stride toward avoiding settling involves self-reflection. Dedicate time to gain insights into your genuine desires, values, and aspirations. Pose questions about what genuinely brings you happiness and fulfillment.

In essence, muster the courage to remain authentic to yourself, irrespective of whether your friends and family share your perspective.

2. Reverse Engineering Your Desired Outcome:

Begin by pinpointing the ideal situation you envision for yourself, whether it involves a career offering greater growth prospects, a relationship marked by increased appreciation and recognition, or friendships characterized by shared values rather than long-standing yet conditionally supportive ones. Subsequently, reverse engineer the steps required to bring this vision to fruition.

3. Take Calculated Risks:

After delineating the necessary steps to achieve your desired outcome, compile a comprehensive list of potential risks, alongside corresponding solutions, to ensure thorough preparation.

This proactive approach not only counteracts fear's paralyzing effects but also empowers you to transform what may initially seem like mistakes into valuable learning experiences.

4. Persistence and Resilience:

I'll be honest; there were moments when I questioned my decision to move halfway across the country, doubting it at least twice before the day we packed our Jeep and embarked on our journey.

This underscores the significance of establishing well-defined goals. Goals act as steadfast anchors, serving as constant reminders of our underlying motivations and providing the necessary strength to navigate through doubt-ridden moments.

5. Surround Yourself with Support:

If you have the privilege of a supportive network, reach out to friends, family, or mentors who wholeheartedly believe in your potential and encourage you to chase your dreams, no matter how ambitious they may seem.

And if you find yourself without such support, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I've been in your shoes, and you can count on my support and empathy, at the very least.


Remember this: you are your own greatest advocate, and self-love should reign supreme. It's a solemn responsibility that falls on your shoulders and yours alone to ensure that you live a life that's true to your dreams, your aspirations, and your authentic self.

Let it be known that it's not the duty of your parents or society to craft your life's masterpiece – that privilege and obligation belong to you.

Resisting the urge to settle is an act of profound self-love. It's the unwavering belief in your worthiness, your potential, and your right to a life that sparkles with fulfillment and authenticity.

By not settling, you affirm your commitment to honoring the unique melody that beats within your heart. You acknowledge that you deserve nothing less than a life lived to its fullest, where passion is your compass, and authenticity is your guiding star.

As you absorb these words, I encourage you to carve out a moment to reflect on your life's current composition. If you sense areas that need adjustment, do not tarry; seize the day, take action, and paint your canvas anew. For in the end, it is your life's masterpiece that you shall unveil to the world, and it is your love for yourself that shall light the path to a life unbounded by limitations, a life unburdened by settling for anything less than extraordinary.

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