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Exploring the Hidden Magic: 12 Types Divine Power Within

12 divine powers within

Welcome to a transformative exploration of self-discovery and empowerment that stands apart from the ordinary. In this post, we embark on a profound journey into the enduring wisdom found in Joseph Murphy's timeless masterpiece, "Your Super Powers! A Master Class in Unleashing the Magic Within." Get ready for an extraordinary adventure into the depths of your own potential as we delve into each superpower presented by Dr. Murphy, one chapter at a time. These aren't the typical superpowers often associated with caped heroes, but rather the metaphysical abilities residing within you, patiently awaiting your mastery.

As we progress through each divine power, we will unravel the meaning behind each superpower and offer practical examples for you to apply in your everyday life. Joseph Murphy's teachings provide us with the tools to tap into our innate abilities, unlocking the immense potential that lies dormant within each of us. Through this exploration, this series aims to help you develop a deeper understanding of yourself, your worth, and your capabilities.

It's essential to approach this journey with an open mind, ready to explore the metaphysical realm that exists within and around us. The path to self-awareness and self-realization begins with embracing the belief that you possess incredible powers to influence your life and the lives of those around you. By harnessing these powers, you can create positive changes in your own existence and inspire transformation in others through your actions and intentions.

Joseph Murphy's wisdom is a beacon guiding us towards personal growth, happiness, and fulfillment. As we progress through each chapter, we encourage you to not only read but to reflect, meditate, and practice the principles laid out within. The journey may challenge your current beliefs and perspectives, but it is through this transformation that you will discover the true essence of your superpowers.

Hop on this extraordinary voyage of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we will unlock the magic within, revealing the extraordinary capabilities that have always resided within you. As we awaken our superpowers, we will not only enhance our own lives but also become agents of positive change, influencing those around us with our newfound wisdom and potential. Get ready to embark on a journey that will forever alter the course of your life. Your superpowers await.

Dr. Joseph Murphy

Dr. Joseph Murphy was a prolific author and a prominent figure in the field of metaphysical and self-help literature. His profound contributions to society lay in his ability to translate complex spiritual and metaphysical concepts into accessible and practical teachings. Through his numerous books, most notably "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," Dr. Murphy empowered countless individuals to tap into the unlimited potential of their subconscious minds, fostering personal transformation, healing, and success.

His timeless wisdom and emphasis on the power of the mind have continued to inspire and guide people on their journeys of self-discovery, self-improvement, and spiritual growth, leaving an enduring legacy of positive change in the lives of those he reached.

Personal Journey

Dr. Murphy's transformative teachings have been nothing short of life-altering for me. Through his profound insights into the power of the subconscious mind and the influence of our thoughts, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and self-worth. His guidance enabled me to heal childhood traumas without the need for psychiatrists or medications, unveiling the incredible healing potential within my own mind.

I learned that by changing my thoughts and mindset, I could catalyze tangible shifts in my surroundings and relationships, enhancing my emotional intelligence in the process. Perhaps most significantly, Dr. Murphy's wisdom instilled in me a sense of accountability, inspiring me to take charge of my life and decisions, ultimately leading to profound personal growth and positive transformation.

This is precisely why I am eager to share my personal journey and the invaluable lessons drawn from Dr. Joseph Murphy's teachings with readers. I believe that by sharing my experiences, I can offer others a roadmap to unlocking their own potential, fostering self-awareness, and embracing their self-worth.

My hope is that, like me, readers will come to realize the extraordinary power they hold within, allowing them to overcome challenges, heal emotional wounds, and create positive change in their lives through the profound principles championed by Dr. Murphy.

Feel free to share your thoughts or pose any questions in the comment section below – together, we can embark on a journey of exploration and growth, supporting one another on the path to discovering our inner potential.



Within the pages of Dr. Joseph Murphy's "Your Super Powers! A Master Class in Using the Magic Within," he explores the concept of the 12 inner powers, drawing intriguing parallels to various aspects of human existence and spirituality. These powers are sometimes likened to the 12 signs of the zodiac, the 12 sons of Jacob, the 12 months of the year, and even the 12 hours in a day, among other significant references. What particularly intrigued me was the interpretation of the zodiac as a representation of the holy belt of animals within us, symbolizing infinity and encapsulating these 12 transformative elements of consciousness.

Being of Chinese heritage, I was raised with a deep familiarity of the 12 zodiac animal signs, commonly associated with personality traits and even, in some instances, future predictions. However, the idea of these zodiac signs being interconnected with the concept of the 12 powers never crossed my mind.

Naturally, I felt compelled to delve into the significance of the number 12 and its potential correlation, if indeed that's an appropriate term to employ in this context.


The number 12 carries profound symbolism across various cultures and belief systems, encompassing religious, mythological, and mystical connotations. It often signifies concepts of perfection, completeness, or cosmic harmony. In the Bible, the number 12 holds particular significance, making 187 appearances throughout the text and 22 times in the Book of Revelation alone. Within this context, 12 can represent divine power, authority, the nation of Israel, or the idea of wholeness.

In the realm of numerology, the number 12 directs attention to facets of self-importance, emotional dynamics, relationships, and the pursuit of inner peace. It also serves as a metaphor, emphasizing the cyclical nature of existence and the continuous unfolding of new opportunities and horizons.

From a spiritual perspective, encountering the number 12 may signify that your prayers have been heard and answered, heralding imminent divine guidance. Furthermore, it can be a gentle nudge from your angels to nurture self-belief and maintain a positive outlook as you embark on your next transformative journey. Ultimately, 12 serves as a potent symbol of closure and new beginnings, marking the end of one cycle and the dawn of another.

Divine Powers Within

Dr. Murphy ingeniously employed the names of the 12 disciples as a metaphorical framework to elucidate the inherent powers within us. In my personal journey of delving into metaphysics, I've come to view the Bible through a metaphorical lens, which allows for a deeper understanding of its teachings.

To me, God transcends the confines of a mere statue or an external image to be revered; rather, God represents the boundless power residing within each of us. This perspective aligns with the idea that we are all co-creators of our lives, capable of shaping our realities and manifesting our desires through the divine potential inherent within our beings.

It underscores the profound notion that we possess the capacity to harness our inner strengths and abilities to shape our destinies, a principle that lies at the core of metaphysical exploration.




The presence of God or higher intelligence in us, known as the spiritual perception. Oneness. Act of Kindness. Compassion.


Rock of truth. “I Am.” Faculty of our mindset and faith knowing every seemingly challenge is divinely outmatched.


Wholeness, completeness and conviction. Divine right action.


​Self-love and our deep love, appreciation for our given and hidden talents. Purity.


​The ability to conquer any situation through love. Compassion in leadership.


​Boundless realm of imagination, same as Neville Goddard's teaching.


Inner wisdom, spiritual strength and unwavering faith.


Our desire, gift of Jehovah.

James the Less

Clears up all confusion so to see the divinity behind the form, the truth behind the mask.


Divine attitude of the mind. Praise. Appreciation.


The inner voice of wisdom and truth. Intuition.


Limitation. Limited belief.



Andrew, as a symbolic representation of the spiritual perception within us, serves as a powerful reminder of the presence of God or higher intelligence dwelling within our very beings. In many spiritual and metaphysical teachings, the idea that we are all interconnected with a divine source is encapsulated in the figure of Andrew. Let's explore this concept and delve into how we can apply it to our daily lives to alleviate fear and embrace unity.

Andrew embodies the understanding that God, or the higher intelligence, is not an external force separate from us but an intrinsic part of our essence. This perspective highlights the oneness between our individual consciousness and the universal consciousness, dispelling the illusion of separation that often breeds fear and anxiety.

One practical way to apply this concept to daily life is through meditation and mindfulness. By taking a few moments each day to quiet the mind and turn inward, we can begin to tap into our inner Andrew, the divine spark that resides within us.

In this stillness, we can connect with the presence of God or higher intelligence, experiencing a profound sense of peace and unity. This practice gradually erases the fear of loneliness or abandonment, as we realize that we are never truly alone but always connected to the vast, loving source of all existence.

Another way to grasp the idea of oneness with God is through acts of kindness and compassion. When we extend love and support to others, we are essentially recognizing the divine spark within them. This acknowledgment of the divine in others fosters a deep sense of interconnectedness and dissolves the barriers that fear erects. By living with the awareness that we are all vessels of the same divine essence, we can cultivate a more compassionate and harmonious world.

In essence, Andrew represents the truth that there is no need to fear when we understand our intrinsic connection to the divine. By practicing mindfulness, fostering kindness, and acknowledging the presence of God or higher intelligence within ourselves and others, we can embrace a profound sense of unity, letting go of fear and stepping into a life guided by love, compassion, and spiritual awareness.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Murphy:

“When you begin to see spiritually, you see peace where discord is, love where hatred is, joy where sadness is light where darkness is, and life where so-called death is.”

One of the most common situations is when you've recently lost your job or experienced a breakup with your partner. Rather than viewing these events as unfortunate, consider them blessings in disguise. Believe that something or someone even better is on their way into your life, and this is why the universe has created space for their arrival.

A few years ago, I found myself buried under a mountain of projects, some of which were originally assigned to others. Overwhelmed, stressed, and consumed by anger, I believed I was being unfairly treated. This mindset only fueled my internal anger, distanced me from my colleagues, and disrupted my sleep.

Then, a realization struck me one day: I held the power to change my circumstances, and it all began within me. I promptly shifted my mindset from feeling mistreated to recognizing this as an opportunity to hone my skills and enhance my ability to manage multiple projects seamlessly.

The moment I adjusted my perspective, all traces of anger vanished. In the end, my timely and flawless project deliveries earned me acknowledgment and rewards. Colleagues began seeking my advice and even asked me to coach them, a testament to the transformative power of a changed mindset.



Dissociate yourself from the issue at hand and redirect your focus toward the solution or the route to resolution, acknowledging the unwavering support of boundless intelligence.

Now, let's delve into the profound concept of Peter as the faculty of the mind. In various spiritual and metaphysical traditions, Peter is symbolically portrayed as the rock of truth. This symbolism signifies an unshakable conviction in the inherent goodness within us, an unwavering belief in our divine nature. Peter represents the innate ability of the human mind to recognize that God, or the infinite power, resides within us, functioning as an ever-present guide and force.

When we acknowledge the presence of the "I Am" within us as God or infinite intelligence, we are essentially embracing the wisdom embodied by Peter. It is the recognition that our very essence is a manifestation of the divine, and this realization empowers us to navigate life with confidence, purpose, and clarity.

Peter's role is akin to that of an inner mentor, guiding us towards a profound understanding of our true nature and our connection to the infinite. This understanding instills a sense of peace and assurance, reminding us that we are never alone on our life's journey.

Furthermore, when we accept the "I Am" as God or infinite intelligence within us, it deepens our spiritual connection, allowing us to access a wellspring of wisdom, strength, and guidance. This inner revelation transforms the way we perceive challenges, imbuing us with the unwavering faith that we possess the capacity to overcome obstacles and manifest our desires.

In essence, Peter represents the foundational belief that we are divine beings, an intrinsic part of the boundless intelligence that governs the universe. Embracing this truth enables us to live our lives with purpose, conviction, and an unwavering trust in the infinite wisdom that resides within us.

One of my go-to affirmations when facing challenges is: "Every apparent challenge or problem is divinely outmatched." I invite you to try it the next time you find yourself in the midst of a tough day or grappling with a problem. You might be amazed at how quickly a solution emerges or how circumstances take a positive turn.



James, in his symbolic representation as the righteous judge, embodies a profound aspect of our inner faculties. At its core, this concept revolves around the practice of focusing on peace, joy, harmony, abundance, and divine right action in our lives. In simple terms, James is the embodiment of a mindset that goes beyond judgment, gossip, and negativity. Instead, it encourages us to recognize the divine essence in everyone and make choices rooted in the universal laws and principles that govern our existence.

The righteous judge operates from a place of inner wisdom and discernment. This inner faculty guides us to see God or the divine spark in every individual we encounter. It urges us to move beyond the surface judgments and prejudices that often cloud our perceptions, enabling us to truly understand and appreciate the unique journey of each person.

Moreover, the righteous judge refrains from engaging in gossip or spreading negativity. This practice aligns with the universal principle of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." By choosing to speak kindly of others and refraining from harmful gossip, we not only uplift ourselves but also contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world.

In essence, the righteous judge encourages us to engage in right thinking and right feeling. It invites us to align our thoughts and emotions with the universal laws and principles that govern our reality. When we adopt this mindset, we naturally attract peace, joy, and abundance into our lives while fostering a deep sense of harmony and interconnectedness with others.

By embodying the essence of James, we become more than just judges of others; we become beacons of love, understanding, and positivity. We transcend the limitations of judgment and embrace the transformative power of compassion and empathy. This mindset not only elevates our own lives but also ripples out to inspire positive change in the world around us.

James as the righteous judge represents a profound inner faculty that guides us towards living in alignment with universal laws and principles. By focusing on peace, joy, harmony, abundance, and divine right action, we cultivate a mindset of compassion, understanding, and positivity.

This mindset not only elevates our own lives but also contributes to the creation of a more harmonious and interconnected world. It reminds us that by recognizing the divine in others and making choices based on universal principles, we can truly embody the essence of the righteous judge in our daily lives.

Granted, interpersonal conflicts are an inherent part of human interactions, and when they arise, my preferred approach is to recite a personal affirmation–I salute to the divinity in you. Whenever thoughts of the person with whom I'm in conflict come to mind, I choose to embrace the affirmation of acknowledging the divinity within them.

While this practice is akin to the well-known term "Namaste," I personally find it more impactful and purposeful when expressed through words that resonate with my intentions.



John, symbolizing the embodiment of divine love, carries a profound message that transcends ordinary romantic or passionate affections. Divine love, as personified by John, is characterized by its purity, devoid of the taint of lust or selfish desires. It is a love that flows from the deepest core of our being, connecting us to the essence of all that is good and virtuous.

Living through the power of divine love entails pledging our allegiance and unwavering loyalty solely to the divine. This commitment involves a conscious choice to not grant power to negative influences, whether they manifest as destructive behaviors, challenging circumstances, or even mundane inconveniences like rush-hour traffic or inclement weather. Instead, divine love beckons us to fall in love with the positive virtues that define our highest selves: integrity, peace, justice, compassion, honesty, and truth.

When we find ourselves gripped by fear, we are, in essence, distancing ourselves from divine love. Fear stands as a barrier to love because it often emerges from a lack of trust in the inherent goodness of the universe and the truth that divine love represents. It is in those moments of fear that we must strive to reconnect with the purity of divine love, recognizing that love and fear cannot coexist harmoniously.

Similarly, holding grudges against others or clinging to resentment signifies a diversion from the path of divine love. Such emotions empower the individuals or situations we resent, enabling them to hold sway over our hearts and minds. Divine love teaches us to release these negative emotions, not for the benefit of others, but for our own liberation and the restoration of our spiritual harmony.

In embodying John's essence of divine love, we navigate life with a profound commitment to the values that uplift and empower us. We recognize that true strength lies in our ability to choose love over fear, forgiveness over resentment, and the pursuit of positive virtues over the fixation on negative circumstances.

By choosing divine love, we align ourselves with the universal truth that love is the most potent force in the cosmos, capable of transcending all obstacles and illuminating our path towards spiritual growth and enlightenment.

To summarize, John symbolizes divine love as a force of purity, unwavering allegiance to the divine, and a deep appreciation for all that is virtuous and true. Embracing divine love means letting go of fear, grudges, and negative influences, redirecting our focus towards the positive aspects that define our highest potential. In doing so, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute to a more loving and harmonious world, one where divine love prevails over all challenges and obstacles.

When it comes to individuals who may have wronged you, consider sending them genuine blessings and understand that the principle of divine right action is at play in their lives. Whenever thoughts of them arise, strive to emanate divine love and peace.

It's crucial to recognize that there exists a nuanced distinction between forgiveness and forgetting. Forgiving someone doesn't necessitate inviting them back into your life or maintaining associations with them, but rather, it entails extending a sense of love in the sense that you genuinely wish them well.



Philip, symbolizing the essence of "a lover of horses," embodies a unique blend of qualities that not only define his character but also offer valuable life lessons to those who seek to understand him. In his role as a horse trainer, Philip showcases a remarkable approach that is firm yet compassionate, creating a bond of trust and mutual respect with his equine companions.

One of Philip's outstanding attributes is his ability to be firm but kind. Horses under his care recognize him as the master, not through fear or force, but through the genuine respect he bestows upon them. His unwavering dedication to their well-being ensures that they thrive under his guidance. Philip's approach serves as a poignant reminder of the power of combining firmness with empathy in our interactions, whether with animals or fellow humans.

Philip's commitment to his craft and his equine friends also highlights the virtue of persistence. He stands as a steadfast example of someone who remains loyal to his ideas, dreams, and aspirations, refusing to be deterred by obstacles or setbacks. His determination and unwavering resolve mirror the enduring spirit of those who are willing to persevere, no matter the challenges that arise.

Loyalty is another key aspect of Philip's character. He remains fiercely devoted to his chosen path, never swayed by doubts or external pressures. This loyalty extends not only to his equestrian pursuits but also to the principles and values he holds dear. In a world where it's often tempting to compromise or abandon one's ideals, Philip's unwavering loyalty serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of the importance of staying true to ourselves.

Philip's refusal to accept "no" for an answer is a testament to his unyielding determination. When faced with adversity or rejection, he stands resolute, seeking alternative routes to achieve his goals. This resilience teaches us that setbacks are not roadblocks but opportunities to explore new avenues, adapt, and ultimately triumph.

In essence, Philip, the lover of horses, offers us a multifaceted lesson in character and determination. His ability to be firm yet kind, coupled with his persistence, loyalty, and unwavering determination, serves as an inspiration to all. Whether in our personal or professional lives, embracing these qualities can help us build trust, overcome obstacles, and remain steadfast on our chosen paths, just as Philip does in his harmonious relationship with his beloved horses.

Philip's divine attributes extend their influence beyond his equestrian realm, offering valuable insights for parenting, leadership skills, and interpersonal relationships. These qualities also prove instrumental in the pursuit of our aspirations, as they inspire us to persist unwaveringly and acknowledge the inner powers that empower us to achieve our dreams.



Bartholomew, symbolizing the boundless realm of imagination, holds a profound significance in understanding the incredible power that lies within our creative minds. In alignment with the teachings of visionaries like Neville Goddard, Bartholomew's symbolism highlights the transformative potential of harnessing our imaginative faculties.

Neville Goddard, a prominent advocate of the power of imagination, often emphasized the creative force that dwells within our minds. He famously stated, "Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will." This quote encapsulates the essence of Bartholomew's symbolism, emphasizing the pivotal role imagination plays in shaping our reality.

When the world asserts that something cannot be accomplished, it is the individual with a vivid imagination who confidently asserts that it has already been achieved in the realm of their mind. This imaginative prowess isn't mere wishful thinking; rather, it's a profound recognition of the creative power housed within our subconscious.

Our subconscious mind is the faithful executor of our imagination. It accepts and diligently works to manifest whatever we vividly picture and emotionally embrace as true. This concept operates on a dual spectrum, wherein our imagination can yield either positive or negative outcomes.

If we consistently envision adverse scenarios and dwell on them in our minds, our subconscious mind will diligently work to bring those negative experiences to fruition. Conversely, if we channel that same imaginative energy toward envisioning positive outcomes, our subconscious mind becomes a powerful ally in realizing our aspirations.

Bartholomew's symbolism serves as a reminder that the true magic of creation begins within the fertile landscape of our imagination. It encourages us to nurture and direct our imaginative capacities toward the realization of our desires, understanding that the subconscious mind is unwavering in its commitment to bringing to life whatever we vividly imagine and passionately believe to be true.

Aligned with the wisdom of visionaries like Neville Goddard, Bartholomew's symbolism underscores the transformative power of imagination, urging us to harness this force to shape our reality. It reminds us that, through imagination, we wield the ability to influence our subconscious mind and, in turn, manifest our dreams, whether they be positive or negative. The key lies in recognizing the profound connection between imagination and creation and channeling it toward the fulfillment of our highest aspirations.

A practical illustration of this concept can be seen in situations where a loved one is unwell. Instead of continually envisioning their illness, shift your imagination to picture them in a state of vibrant health and complete recovery.

Maintain this imaginative focus until it becomes so vivid that it feels real, as this is when our subconscious minds spring into action. Similarly, if you aspire to a promotion, imagine the moment of receiving congratulations from colleagues and loved ones until it resonates as a tangible reality. It is crucial that your imaginative process is fueled by sincerity and devoid of any negative thoughts or ill intentions towards others.



Thomas, symbolizing the profound awareness of God's presence within us, serves as a beacon of spiritual strength and unwavering faith. His symbolism underscores the potent ability to reject rumors, lies, and false suggestions that deviate from order and truth, offering a valuable lesson in times of uncertainty and adversity.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Thomas's symbolism takes on profound significance. During this challenging period, many people succumbed to fear, fueled by the relentless spread of rumors and misinformation. As a result, they found themselves falling ill, often manifesting the very conditions they feared.

Conversely, individuals who acknowledged the inner power represented by Thomas remained steadfast and unshaken. They understood the fundamental truth that there is only one presence and one power – the divine. This unwavering belief allowed them to stand resolute in the face of uncertainty and adversity, refusing to be swayed by the waves of fear that engulfed others.

Even when symptoms of illness manifested, those who embraced the discipline symbolized by Thomas remained fearless. They knew that divine healing power resided within them, ready to restore them to full health. This unshakable faith in the healing potential of their inner divine presence was a source of solace and strength, allowing them to weather the storm with grace and courage.

Thomas's symbolism encourages us to cultivate a profound awareness of the divine presence within us. By recognizing this inner power, we gain the ability to discern between truth and falsehood, order and chaos. We learn to reject the insidious suggestions of fear and doubt, choosing instead to stand firmly in our faith and trust in the healing and transformative power of the divine.

In essence, Thomas symbolizes the unwavering faith that can shield us from the destructive influence of rumors, lies, and false suggestions. Through the acknowledgment of God's presence within us, we become impervious to the waves of fear and uncertainty that can grip society during challenging times.

This recognition empowers us to remain steadfast, undisturbed, and fearless, knowing that divine healing power is ever at our disposal, ready to guide us to complete restoration and well-being. Thomas reminds us that by embracing this discipline, we can navigate life's trials with resilience, trust, and an unshakable inner peace.

Superstition serves as a compelling illustration of how individuals often surrender their power to someone else's opinion or, in many instances, unfounded beliefs. It's a phenomenon deeply embedded in human history and culture, where irrational notions and practices can hold significant sway over people's thoughts and actions.

Superstitions can range from simple acts like avoiding walking under ladders or refraining from opening umbrellas indoors to more complex beliefs tied to specific numbers, animals, or rituals. These practices often arise from collective hearsay or anecdotal experiences, and over time, they become woven into the fabric of society.

What's intriguing about superstitions is how they can exert a powerful influence over individuals, even when they lack any empirical or logical basis. People may genuinely fear certain superstitions, acting in accordance with these beliefs despite any tangible evidence. It's as though superstitions possess a subtle, invisible grip on the human psyche, causing individuals to relinquish their rational judgment and conform to these unfounded convictions.

Superstitions illustrate how readily people can give away their decision-making power when confronted with external influences, whether it be the opinions of others or societal traditions. They underscore the human tendency to attach significance to arbitrary or baseless beliefs, often at the expense of critical thinking and sound reasoning.

Superstition's enduring presence in human society serves as a reminder of the importance of critical thinking and independent judgment. It encourages us to question the sources of our beliefs and examine whether they are rooted in reason and evidence or merely inherited from tradition and hearsay.

By cultivating a more discerning mindset, we can reclaim our agency, resisting the allure of superstition and baseless beliefs that may otherwise hold us captive to unfounded fears and practices.



Matthew, symbolizing the profound aspect of our inner being known as desire, unlocks the door to understanding the intricate relationship between our aspirations and the infinite intelligence that resides within us. Desire, often likened to the voice of our higher self or God speaking through us, carries a transformative potential that shapes the course of our lives.

In the realm of desire, there exists a beautiful verse that encapsulates its essence: "Come on up higher, I have need of you." This verse underscores the divine nature of our desires, suggesting that they are not mere whims but rather a calling from the infinite intelligence, our higher self, beckoning us to elevate our consciousness and fulfill our higher purpose.

When we align with our desires, we embark on a journey to manifest them into reality. This process involves an unwavering belief that we already possess all the answers and resources within us to achieve our goals. It's an affirmation that the intelligence of the universe flows through us, guiding us toward the realization of our desires.

Dr. Joseph Murphy, a prominent figure in metaphysical and spiritual teachings, advises against sharing our desires and plans with others. His rationale is rooted in the understanding that when we do share, more often than not, we encounter skepticism and negativity from others. Their doubts and concerns can sow seeds of doubt within us, potentially hindering our progress.

Prayer, in this context, becomes a private dialogue, a silent communication with our higher self. It's a sacred moment when we connect with the infinite intelligence and seek guidance and clarity on our desires. Through prayer, we align our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions with the universal forces, harnessing their transformative power to manifest our desires.

In essence, Matthew symbolizes the intricate interplay between our desires and the divine intelligence that guides us. It emphasizes that our desires are not arbitrary, but rather a profound calling from the infinite source of wisdom within us. By keeping our desires close to our hearts and engaging in silent communication through prayer, we tap into the wellspring of creativity and guidance that propels us toward our aspirations.

This understanding encourages us to trust in the innate intelligence that resides within, knowing that we have the ability to turn our desires into reality through a deep connection with our higher self and the universal forces that shape our lives.

Many individuals who are unaware of the profound inner divine power we possess tend to remain steadfast in their allegiance to failure, often influenced by the patterns they have observed and the messages they have absorbed. They may unintentionally close themselves off to the potential for new opportunities and innovative solutions.

Regrettably, I have witnessed countless instances where well-meaning parents inadvertently transmit their fears and unwarranted negativity to their children. This often manifests as discouragement from pursuing certain professions, with the misguided belief that such choices will inevitably lead to poverty.


James the Less

James the Less, symbolizing the profound power to dispel confusion and perceive the divine essence beyond superficial appearances, holds a transformative message for those who seek clarity and truth in their lives.

In a world often marked by confusion and misperception, James the Less represents the ability to see beyond the mask, to discern the divinity that resides within every form. This divine insight invites us to transcend the limitations of external conditions and labels that we might otherwise impose upon ourselves.

One of the fundamental lessons embodied by James the Less is the power to shift our beliefs from mere worldly interpretations to a higher truth. Instead of blaming external circumstances or labeling them as restrictions, we harness the divine power within us to illuminate our path. It's a recognition that no shadow, no matter how daunting, can cross our journey when we steadfastly hold to our belief in the divine truth.

James the Less encourages us to see beyond the illusions of the material world, acknowledging that appearances can be deceiving. By peeling back the layers of surface-level judgments and preconceived notions, we unveil the divine spark that animates all existence. This perception empowers us to move beyond limiting beliefs and embrace the boundless potential that resides within.

The power of James the Less is akin to turning our gaze inward, seeking divine wisdom and understanding. It's a call to align our beliefs with universal truths rather than succumbing to the transient and often misleading narratives of the world. In doing so, we break free from the shackles of self-imposed limitations and step into the realm of boundless possibilities.

By acknowledging James the Less, we are blessed with the capacity to clear away the fog of confusion and illusion that may obscure our path. It invites us to recognize the divine truth that lies behind the mask of appearances, embracing the limitless potential within us.

Aligning our beliefs with this higher truth, we can navigate our lives with clarity, purpose, and the unwavering knowledge that no external condition can hinder our spiritual journey. James the Less serves as a guiding light, reminding us that the power to transcend limitations and discover our true selves is ever-present within us.

The placebo effect serves as a compelling illustration of the profound influence our minds and beliefs can exert on our well-being. It exemplifies the dual nature of our mental faculties, much like the symbolism of James the Less, which can either be perceived as hurdles on our path or sources of strength to propel us forward.

In the case of the placebo effect, when individuals genuinely believe in the efficacy of a treatment—even if it's a mere sugar pill—their minds unleash powerful healing mechanisms that can lead to tangible improvements in their health. This phenomenon underscores the immense potential residing within our beliefs and thoughts, serving as a reminder that we have the capacity to harness our mental faculties as a force for healing and transformation when we align them with positive and empowering beliefs.


Thaddeus (Jude)

Thaddeus, often referred to as Judas, embodies the profound concept of positive mood and praise—a powerful attitude of the mind that extends the hand of appreciation and recognition to the people in our lives. This symbolism emphasizes the transformative potential of openly showing our gratitude and praise to those around us, whether they are our loved ones, colleagues, or even individuals in service industries such as waiters or waitresses.

When we engage in the act of praise, we are essentially acknowledging and celebrating the divine essence, the God, or the infinite intelligence within others. It is a practice that transcends superficial judgments and encourages us to see the inherent goodness and worth in every individual we encounter. By doing so, we not only lift their spirits but also contribute to the creation of a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Praising others is a gesture of recognition that goes beyond mere words; it touches the heart and soul of those we acknowledge. Whether we commend our children for their achievements, express appreciation to our family members for their support, or applaud colleagues for their contributions, these acts of praise strengthen our connections and foster a sense of unity and goodwill.

Moreover, when we extend praise to individuals in service industries, such as waiters or clerks, we acknowledge the dignity and worth inherent in their roles. This simple act of recognition can brighten their day, infusing their work with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Thaddeus's symbolism serves as a reminder that praise is a potent tool for uplifting one another. By openly expressing our appreciation and celebrating the divinity within each person, we contribute to the collective elevation of humanity. This positive mood and attitude of the mind, as embodied by Thaddeus, holds the potential to transform not only individual lives but also the world at large.

Thaddeus, or Judas, symbolizes the power of positive mood and praise—a practice that acknowledges the divine presence within others and uplifts them through the recognition of their inherent worth. By openly expressing our gratitude and appreciation, we foster deeper connections and contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious world. Thaddeus reminds us that, through the simple act of praise, we have the ability to make a profound difference in the lives of others and create a brighter, more uplifting global community.

One common scenario that readily comes to mind is road rage, a pervasive issue on our roadways. Statistics reveal that road rage incidents are on the rise and just in 2022, over 400 injuries due to road rage involving guns. In these situations, individuals inadvertently surrender their power to anger and misconceptions, perceiving other drivers as obstacles rather than extending even a fraction of their energy towards considerate and empathetic behavior.

The prevalence of road rage incidents serves as a stark reminder of how easily we can succumb to negative emotions and misguided perceptions, neglecting the opportunity to foster a more harmonious and compassionate driving experience for ourselves and others on the road.



Simon, representing intuition as the inner voice of wisdom and truth, embodies a profound aspect of human consciousness that offers us guidance and insight in our daily lives. This inner power underscores the belief that when we expect the best, the best is more likely to manifest in our experiences.

Intuition, often described as our inner compass, is the quiet yet unwavering voice that nudges us towards making choices aligned with our highest good. It's the gut feeling that guides us when we're faced with decisions, providing a sense of clarity and direction. This inner wisdom encourages us to trust in our innate abilities and the infinite intelligence that resides within us.

One of the remarkable qualities of individuals who possess a strong intuitive sense, symbolized by Simon, is their inclination towards positivity. They understand that harboring negativity, gossip, or intentionally hurting others serves no purpose and only disrupts their own inner harmony. Instead, those in tune with their intuition genuinely wish for the progress and success of others, just as they aspire to their own growth and achievements.

This attitude of goodwill and support for others is rooted in the recognition that we are all interconnected, and by helping one another succeed, we collectively contribute to a more harmonious and thriving world. It reflects the belief that the abundance of the universe is not finite, and one person's success does not diminish the opportunities available to others.

Simon's symbolism invites us to cultivate and trust our intuition, fostering a positive outlook that transcends ego-driven desires and judgments. By listening to our inner voice of wisdom and truth, we become more attuned to the subtle guidance it offers, enabling us to make choices that align with our highest potential and the greater good of all.

In essence, Simon's representation encourages us to embrace our intuition as a powerful tool for personal growth and collective upliftment. It invites us to nurture a mindset that seeks the best in ourselves and others, fostering an atmosphere of support and encouragement. By aligning with this inner power, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute to the betterment of the world by creating a ripple effect of positivity and goodwill.

By acknowledging the power of Simon, the inner voice of wisdom and truth, we free ourselves from the grip of jealousy and comparison. We come to recognize that there is an abundance of glory and richness in the world, enough to go around for everyone.

This realization transforms our perspective, allowing us to genuinely celebrate the achievements of others. Instead of viewing their success as a threat to our own, we understand that their accomplishments contribute to the tapestry of human experience, enhancing the collective journey. In celebrating others' successes, we create a harmonious and supportive environment where everyone can thrive and shine in their unique way, fostering a sense of unity and shared prosperity.



Judas, often symbolizing limitation, presents us with a profound paradox in our quest for personal growth and transformation. The story of Judas in the Bible, known for his betrayal of Jesus, carries a symbolic message that transcends the literal narrative. In this symbolic context, "betrayal" means revealing, and it underscores the idea that every problem reveals its own solution in the form of a desire.

The paradox lies in the fact that, on one hand, we wish to eliminate Judas, representing all limitations, from our lives. We yearn to break free from the shackles of restriction and self-imposed boundaries that hinder our progress. These limitations often manifest as self-doubt, fear, negative beliefs, and societal conditioning that hold us back from realizing our full potential.

However, on the other hand, the symbolism of Judas as a revealer of solutions is a profound reminder that limitations can serve as catalysts for growth. It is through the recognition of our limitations and challenges that we awaken our desires for transformation and improvement. In essence, Judas, representing limitation, plays a crucial role in our journey of self-discovery and manifestation.

When we embark on the path of eliminating limitations, we are essentially clearing the way for our dreams to become reality one by one. It's a process of shedding the layers of self-imposed constraints and societal conditioning that have held us captive for so long. This liberation allows us to tap into the divine wisdom and love that empower us to overcome difficulties and challenges.

As we rid ourselves of the "Judas" of limitation, we begin to witness the fruitful manifestation of our desires. It is as though we have removed the blinders that once obscured our vision, enabling us to see the possibilities and opportunities that were always present but previously hidden from view. This newfound clarity propels us forward, motivating us to take inspired action toward our goals.

Moreover, the act of relinquishing our limitations entails giving up the brainwashing and false beliefs that have held us captive. We disentangle ourselves from the web of negative conditioning and self-sabotage, redirecting our energy toward the divine wisdom and love that reside within us. This shift in focus empowers us to navigate difficulties with resilience and grace, knowing that each challenge is an opportunity for growth and transformation.

While we aspire to eliminate limitations from our lives, we must also acknowledge their role as revealer of solutions and catalysts for transformation. By shedding self-imposed constraints and societal conditioning, we pave the way for our dreams to become reality.

This process is a testament to our capacity to tap into the divine wisdom and love within us, enabling us to overcome challenges and emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered than ever before. Ultimately, the symbolic story of Judas reminds us that our limitations can be transcended, and our dreams can be realized when we harness our inner wisdom and divine potential.


Final Thoughts

In conclusion, as we wrap up our exploration of the 12 inner powers symbolized by these powerful figures, it becomes abundantly clear that we possess an extraordinary reservoir of potential within us. Each of these powers represents a unique facet of our consciousness, waiting to be harnessed and utilized to propel us towards our goals and dreams.

Now that we have unveiled these inner powers, the real work begins. It is incumbent upon us to claim them, nurture them, and leverage them to achieve our aspirations. Like a craftsman with a set of potent tools, we must wield these inner powers with intention and skill. Whether it's the divine love symbolized by John, the wisdom and truth represented by Simon, or the positivity embodied by Thaddeus, each power plays a crucial role in our journey towards self-realization and success.

Consistency and persistence are the watchwords on this transformative path. The process of integrating these powers into our lives may not always be smooth or immediate, but with unwavering determination, we can steadily build upon our strengths. We must remain steadfast in our commitment to self-improvement and personal growth, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. As we consistently apply these inner powers, they become a natural part of our being, guiding us towards our goals.

Moreover, it's vital to share the wisdom and insights we've gained on this journey with others. By spreading the knowledge of these inner powers and their significance, we not only uplift ourselves but also contribute to the growth and empowerment of those around us. Celebrating victories together fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared accomplishment, creating a supportive community of individuals dedicated to personal and collective transformation.

In the tapestry of our lives, these 12 inner powers are the threads of potential that, when woven together, create a magnificent work of art. We possess the ability to tap into these powers, channeling their energy and wisdom to manifest our dreams and create positive change in the world. As we embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, let us remember that these inner powers are not distant or elusive; they are an inherent part of who we are. With diligence, consistency, and the willingness to share our wisdom, we can embrace the full spectrum of our potential and craft a life of purpose, fulfillment, and success.


Note: I'm excited to share this blog post with you, which is based on my personal understanding and interpretation of these profound concepts. I believe that open dialogue and diverse perspectives enrich our collective understanding. So, I warmly welcome your feedback, discussions, and different viewpoints. Let's learn and grow together on this incredible journey of exploration and self-discovery!

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